Monday, July 28, 2008

C is for CAKE...birthday cake, that is

Teagan's birthday was June 30. Five years old! She's made this transition from toddler to child in the past year, and sometimes I just can't believe it when I look at her. She starts school in just a few weeks, and I am both so scared and so excited for her I can barely stand to think about it for too long. She is a beautiful, smart, sassy girl who gets her feelings hurt easily. I know she'll be great in school, but I worry that all the other kids will be more savvy than she is. Isn't that silly? She spent the night away at a friend's house the other night and I could barely sleep for worry that she might wake up scared in the middle of the night.

How hard, this parenting thing. We have to instill confidence and independence in our babies but when they run off on their own we just wish we could carry them so they don't fall and skin their knees.

Well the birthday party was fun. We had it at Valley of the Moon park, and although the turnout was low, the kids had a blast! We also had pinatas, which was so fun!

Race ya!!!

Teagan and big brother Austin

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I wasn't going to do it, but...

It was a little internet diversion Rhiannon had on her blog. She has the instructions on her post. I'm too lazy to copy them over. I'm fascinated by all the blue in the photos I chose. The colors didn't vary much. Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't have picked green as my favorite color?

A is for Aidan & B is for Blueberries

It's Aidan eating blueberries...yum!

I had to think of a way to make myself blog more often, if only with a picture and a few words. This adorable picture made me think of the alphabet, so that is my new theme for awhile.