Sunday, December 02, 2007

Winter Adventure

On Monday I didn't have daycare, so I took the kids and the dog for a walk, to the woods at the end of my street, which is essentially a bog. Since it had been warm that week, the bog was a skin of ice over water and mud, which we had to bust through to get anywhere. The going was rough, but it was so nice to be out in the sunshine we didn't care. I ended up pushing Aidan in the jogging stroller, while I pulled Teagan in the sled. I had to use the dog's leash to tie the sled around my waist to leave my hands free for the stroller.

We ran into three moose along the way. Here's a picture of a young bull who got a little too close to us for my comfort. He was drinking water from a puddle and didn't seem bothered by us. Thank goodness my dog didn't care to chase that moose.
I must have looked a sight pulling Teagan in the sled on the icy road on the way back home. I tell you, I got my work out for the day. What a fun time we had!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those pictures are so gorgeous. The whole story makes me lonesome for home. Thanks for sharing.